Michael Bunker - Plain, but not simple

Eat Move Live 52 - The  #EatMoveLive52 Podcast show

Summary: You've heard of living off grid? Well Michael Bunker lives OFF off-grid! A deliberate life, pre-industral living, fermented foods, REAL bacon! Michael Bunker - Plain, but not simple. WHAT AN AMAZING SHOW! I actually listened to the whole show again last night because Michael was so much fun and inspirational! Michael Bunker is a plain, beyond-off-grid farmer and author of both fiction and non-fiction. He's a farmer, a father, and a husband, not in that particular order, but everything he does, he does deliberately, all the while living off off-grid! We had a great talk about real food, pre-industrial food preparation and storage methods, fermented foods, and the differences in taste and quality between real bacon and that stuff sold as bacon in your local store! Those things are fun and important, but there was also an underlying, important theme of simplicity and being deliberate about how to live life. We - as a society - talk about how crazy life is these days. It's a theme that's so up front and in your face that you can no longer claim it's 'underlying.' Life. Is. Crazy. So, listen in as Galina and I talk with Michael about being more deliberate. How you can use the concept yourself to highlight and honor what's important in your life, that of your family, and of your friends. Enjoy! Roland What's up in this episode Michael Bunker lives like an 18th century, pre-industrial farmer would, for 15 years now! Before homesteading, prepping, and and much of the internet was available for help. When a $5 tomato is totally worth it Fermented foods Soil based organisms Cured meat - real cured meat vs flavored, processed meat Real bacon vs store-bought bacon Growing high allicin garlic How living a deliberate life can show you what's truly valuable (and important) Somm - Documentary on wine Books mentioned Henry and the Great Society, H. L. Roush Wild Fermentation, Felix Sandor Katz Beyond Off Off-Grid, Michael Bunker, non-fiction, why, and how-to live off-grid and beyond The Last Pilgrims, Michael Bunker, fiction, imagining a life, and surviving, without modern amenities Pennsylvania, Michael Bunker, science fiction, and currently optioned for film! Michael Bunker Links MichaelBunker.com Facebook.com/offgrid YouTube.com/bunkdad Love the show? Subscribe and Review the EatMoveLive52 Podcast Reviews help spread the word, big time! It only takes a minute to leave a quick review. Just try ten words and see how how fast it goes! Oh, and subscribing to the show brings each episode to you and your phone automatically! Subscribe or review on Apple/iTunes Subscribe or review on Podbean Subscribe or review on Stitcher Subscribe or review on Google Play Use the rss feed in your favorite podcast app Our podcast theme music is "Protofunk" by Kevin MacLeod  of incompetech.com. Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0. Talk soon, Roland & Galina