Episode 6 – You’re Such a Character! – The Trials and Tribulations of Character Concepts

Monkey in the Cage Productions show

Summary: Centuries ago, the wise Chinese philosopher Confucius once said "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  Undoubtedly, wise GM's the world round say "Hurry up and finish your damn character so we can start playing!"  While the latter is definitely important, particularly if your gaming group is pressed for time or really eager to loot your corpse, Confucious' wisdom is vital to an enjoyable and successful experience around the gaming table.  This week, we talk about the challenges we've each faced in bringing our favorite and forgettable characters to life in a myriad of gaming worlds.  We've got everything from interventions to creep-factor 10 this episode, so get ready for some seriously serious gaming talk! (00:55) - If there is anyone that is a close second to Matt in lagging behind in TV shows, it's Robert.  We have a spoiler free discussion on Burn Notice Season 4 and Sons of Anarchy Season 3, but the biggest take away we have is that we have finally found something Mr. Apathetic (Robert) himself loves, and that would be spies... less than suave and kinda inept spies.... (04:55) - When he isn't playing catch-up on television shows, Robert is at least staying current on books.  From Ed Greenwood Presents: Waterdeep to The Hunger Games, Robert drops some fantasy literature knowledge on the group.  At least Matt is caught up with AMC's The Walking Dead.... Suck it Robert! (07:49) - It's not all about gaming and books around here!  Ramses geeks out to the sweet beats of music nerd Ben Folds.  Chatroulette concerts and cutting albums with William "Captain James T. Kirk" Shatner himself?  How can you not be down with man's music??  Also, thanks to him and The Sing Off , A capella is cool again... right?  LET'S ROCK THIS BITCH!! (12:08) - Are you lonely?  Nothing better to do than think about gaming, visit our awesome website, and listen to how great our podcast is?  Great!  Keep it up!  However, if you really feel the need for actual human interaction but just can't find the right way to go about it, listen to Karen bring everyone up to speed on TLC's (or as she calls it, Terrible Life Choices) new special, Geek Love.  Sci-Fi Speed Dating - Bringing Wookies and Trekkies to marital bliss, 3 minutes at a time.  BobaPhat PimpBoba is where it's at!! (16:24) - From Robert's G4 casting call to Karen and other Buffy fans scrambling for Joss Whedon's autograph, nothing beats being surrounded by those that share your interests... even when you're like a salmon swimming up-stream in the Geek Mecca that is San Diego Comic-Con. (18:45) - Nowadays, everything is EXTREME.  We're inundated with everything from Extreme Couponing to Extreme Sitting (really), but Matt may have found the most extreme semi-pro sports enthusiasts around.  Charlie Andrews and his Knights of Mayhem get medieval (literally) when it comes to National Geographic's new reality show about the world of Full Contact Heavy Armor Jousting.  Armor up and bring the aspirin, because such paltry things like severe concussions, losing your family, and thinking about any sort of modern safety equipment (mouthpieces anyone?) are nothing when Ren-Faire honor and some gas money are at stake! (25:08) - As we delve into this week's topic, things start off  with our resident Power-Gamer, Robert, as he takes the lead and admits he's not so good with the process.  Aside from his Chaotic Neutral Bard that pelts the poor with gold (you heard that right), he has trouble when it comes finding a concept to exploit, other than himself... yes, Robert exploits himself... Don't judge. (28:41) - Matt discusses his "central concept" approach.  From redemption seeking Dwarves to Canadian Gnomes, he keeps it real.... real short. (30:43) - Ramses channels Nietzsche when talking about his ever-evolving second edition character.  Part pyromaniac, part Ryu from Street Fighter 2, Ramses brings it from the here and now.  Way to keep it Existential,