Episode 8 – Heroes and Villains

Monkey in the Cage Productions show

Summary: We all love heroes, right? We also know that for a great story to exist, there needs to be great characters, and while not all stories are epic adventures of ass-kickery, they all most definitely have a main character we can relate to. Whether you're reading a book, watching a movie or playing a game it is fairly safe to say that during that time you have a vested interest in the characters and the world in which they exist. However, for every great protagonist, there should be a great antagonist and every once in awhile, the villains are even cooler than the hero, right! We know! This week, we're talking Heroes and Villains and what we feel make them effective, believable and deeply complex. Seal up your Bat Cave, double up on inept Henchmen, and make sure your Fortress of Solitude stays that way because you won't want to miss a minute of this!