#BeeCast 11 How target archery helps hunting & vice versa

Chris Bee show

Summary: The Element Podcast - https://apple.co/2JaWiOX There are a lot of young enthusiastic minds in the outdoor community right now and today's guest is a prime example. We sort of live in a world of doom and gloom. A world where all we hear is how bad hunter recruitment is or how kids just want to play video games all day. We are here to tell you that it doesnt have to Bee that way! There is a whole wave of great outdoorsmen out there who are embracing technology and communication and blending it perfectly with our outdoor heritage. Chris Bee is a great example of a dude who gets the gadjets and gizmos, but also understands the peace and solitude hunting provides. Oh by the way, he just happens to be a stone cold killa! From the 10 ring to "the crease", Chris gets after it and truly lives a live outdoors. We got deep on some archery stuff (of which he is super knowledgeable), but we drifted as we like to do into some deeper philosophy of hunting and life. I bet you'll dig it!