Everything's Coming Up Roses with Lisa Feierman of Rose-Colored Roundup

Seek The Joy Podcast show

Summary: Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday! On the podcast this week is Lisa Feierman, the founder and creator behind my favorite weekly newsletter, Rose-Colored Roundup. Rose-Colored Roundup is a weekly curation of the “good news” that we tend to miss in the form of an e-mail newsletter. With uplifting stories of empowerment and progress, it's the best way to recharge for the long road ahead. Plus, who doesn't want a dose of inspiration, celebration, and positivity in their inbox every week?! (Guys trust me when I say, it's been a game changer.) On today’s episode we chat all about the inspiration behind Rose-Colored Roundup, stepping even further into her creativity and voice through sharing stories of empowerment, generosity, kindness and progress, and how the newsletter has deeply impacted her life. We also talk about what it’s like starting a new project or business as a millennial, impostor syndrome, owning and celebrating we’ve created, and so much more. To learn more about today’s episode, head over to the show notes section of our website seekthejoypodcast.com/show-notes/lisafeierman Make your inbox and world view rosier and sign-up for Rose-Colored Roundup today at rosecoloredroundup.com and follow Lisa and Rose-Colored Roundup on Instagram.com/RoseColoredRoundup Until next week ✨ #SeekTheJoy - hit SUBSCRIBE - and it would mean so much if you could give the podcast a rating and/or review on iTunes ✨ If you do, e-mail a screenshot of your review to sydney@seekthejoypodcast.com and we'll send you our brand NEW #SeekTheJoy Guide for Infusing More Joy into Your Life! Along with this guide, you'll also receive two limited edition Seek The Joy Podcast stickers that will be mailed out to you. We can't wait to send these out to you!  We are gearing up for the fifth episode in The Power of Storytelling, which will air on May 17th! We want you to be part of it! To learn more and to submit your story, visit our website https://www.seekthejoypodcast.com/share-your-seekthejoy-story/ and fill out our interest form - and we'll get back to you ASAP.  Instagram instagram.com/seekthejoypodcast Facebook fb.me/seekthejoypodcast E-mail sydney@seekthejoypodcast.com