Episode 122- Hooked on Busyness

Touching the Trail Podcast show

Summary: Our society is addicted to busyness and we have no idea what to do with free time. We live in a vicious cycle of drifting amongst leisure and so adding more busyness to salve our confusion. We are lost. A good friend of mine recently remarked to me, for the 100th time, "Oh, I'm so busy, it's been absolutely crazy." Busyness seems to be a badge of honor and a point of pride, a marker of success as it were. We are chained to our busyness, despite the fact that research shows that we now have more free time than ever. So the question becomes: What do we do with busyness? I believe that we must not allow ourselves to be a prisoner to it, take a step back and breathe, plan, eliminate extraneous tasks, single task, delegate duties, and learn from others. These paths to mental peace and freedom in the face of busyness are what I delve into in today's episode. Join me. Muchas gracias, Jarod Contreras Sources: Robinson, John P. "Americans less rushed but no happier: 1965–2010 trends in subjective time and happiness." Social indicators research 113.3 (2013): 1091-1104. https://www.inc.com/ilan-mochari/feel-less-busy-twisted-psychology-of-busyness.html https://www.bakadesuyo.com/2014/04/busy/?utm_content=buffer71195&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/owning-pink/201404/are-you-addicted-being-busy Support Touching the Trail: touchingthetrail.com/donate  targetreleaserecovery.com Find Touching the Trail:  touchingthetrail.com Touching the Trail Weekly: eepurl.com/bEENNP Instagram: @touchingthetrail instagram.com/touchingthetrail Twitter: @touchingtrail twitter.com/touchingtrail Facebook: Touching the Trail facebook.com/touchingthetrail