BONUS 38: Interview with Joanne Newborn – Jungian Life Coach

From the Center with Debra & Dr. Rob: Success for Women | Purpose | Spirituality | Relationships show

Summary: Bonus Episode! From time to time, we are going to be interviewing some of our star clients who experienced our Creative Mind Process® so you can hear their success stories and be inspired to make changes in your life. This week we are featuring a soon-to-be-graduate of our Jungian Life Coach Training program in our <a href="">Academy of Jungian Spiritual Psychology</a> – Joanne Newborn<br> EPISODE 38: Be Inspired to Live Your Dreams – Interview with Jungian Life Coach – Joanne Newborn<br> Joanne Newborn – Joanne Newborn has been studying the Carl Jung Individuation Process since 2014 with Debi &amp; Dr. Rob and is currently enrolled the Academy of Jungian Spiritual Psychology, on the road to becoming a Certified Jungian Life Coach by Fall 2018.  She has her MBA from Penn State University and her BA from Pace University.  She is also a graduate of The Neighborhood Playhouse School of Theatre. Currently, she is a Marketing Director with the World’s largest Spirits Company. Her Coaching business is focused on cultivating Leadership and is –  Baby Steppin’ into your Power.<br> If you are interested in Jungian Coach Training, click here to watch our <a href="">Free Video Course: Introduction to Jungian Life Coaching.</a><br>  <br> Join us on our <a href="">Facebook Group Community Here</a> and say hello and ask us questions!<br>