CH058: A Teacher’s Goals - Simplified Organization Audio Blog: quick actions, organized attitudes

Simplified Organization Audio Blog: quick actions, organized attitudes show

Summary: <a href="">Season 10: Classical Thoughts on Why We Teach</a><br> Mothers must be both teachers and learners.<br> As mothers home with our children all day every day, we are their primary influence, especially in the younger years. We can’t just wing it and expect great results or satisfaction.<br> If we can be always learning, always growing, always stretching, we will be happier and we will be modeling for our children the life we’re asking them to embrace.<br> Education is about how we treat others and comes by imitation.<br> Read the original posts:<br> <br> * <a href="">What makes a good teacher? – Plato</a><br> * <a href="">Portrait of a Graduate – Isocrates</a><br> <br> <br> Listen:<br> Find all posts (so far) in the Great Tradition series:<br> <br><br> <a href=""></a><br><br> <br> Simple Sanity Saver: Teaching Shakespeare<br> Familiarity breeds affection, not contempt.<br> Ken Ludwig, author of <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0307951499&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=simplyconvivial-20">How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare</a>, writes:<br> <a href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0307951499&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=simplyconvivial-20&amp;linkId=TWQQOWL5S5QWFRKK"></a><br> <br> Having thought about Shakespeare for most of my life, I have concluded that the best way to learn about his plays, his language, his themes and his stories with any real depth and integrity is to memorize a few passages from his plays so that you have them at your fingertips.<br> <br> Memorization doesn’t have to be an ordeal. During the weeks you watch and read the play, simply repeat the lines you’ve chosen for memory.<br> I print the selections in large font, with the phrases broken up and each on their own line – plenty of white space makes it easier to follow and easier to see in the mind’s-eye for recall. Then before we read or watch or talk about the play, we repeat each selection 2-3 times, all together.<br> Easy. Simple. It really works.<br> <a href=""></a><br> Spread the word!<br> <a href="">Leaving a review on iTunes</a> will help other homeschooling moms discover this podcast!<br> <br> <br>