Episode 89 - Disqualified

Heel Marks: A Wrestling Podcast show

Summary: Backlash….happened. Seth Rollins and The Miz easily had the match of the night. Will we see them be rewarded with big spots at MITB? Is Rusev finally being rewarded with a gift for Rusev Day? Were our initial expectations for AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura too high to ever be met? Are big things in store for Big E? Is a tag team MITB match in our future? Brady gives safety tips for where to sit on a bus, Danielle wants to shout out Zubaz, and M2J finally returns with an M2J Poetry SLAM! Backlash backlash, early MITB predictions and so much more on Episode 89 of Heel Marks!<br>Rate us on iTunes - <a href="https://itun.es/us/b48Peb.c" rel="noopener">https://itun.es/us/b48Peb.c</a> <br>iHeartRadio - <a href="https://www.iheart.com" rel="noopener">https://www.iheart.com</a>/…/heel-marks-a-wrestling-podcast-2…/…<br>Subscribe on YouTubte - <a href="http://tiny.cc/TheHeelMarks" rel="noopener">http://tiny.cc/TheHeelMarks</a><br>Google Play - <a href="https://player.fm/series/heel-marks-the-wrestling-podcast" rel="noopener">https://player.fm/series/heel-marks-the-wrestling-podcast</a><br>#BuyOurShit at Pro Wrestling Tees - <a href="http://www.prowrestlingtees.com/related/heelmarks.html" rel="noopener">http://www.prowrestlingtees.com/related/heelmarks.html</a><br>Shop at Zubaz.com using Promo Code HEELMARKS15 for 15% off!<br>Shop at Collarandelbowbrand.com using Promo Code HEELMARKS for 10% off!