How <em>Reason</em> Became a 'Mainstream Intellectual Magazine with an Unusual Point of View'

Reason Podcast show

Summary: "When I was in college," explains journalist, author, and speaker Virginia Postrel, "I developed the career aspiration to be the editor of Reason magazine." Just a few years after graduating, she had accomplished that goal (and much, much more), joining Reason's staff in 1986 and then running the magazine from July 1989 until January 2000. Founded in 1968 by Lanny Friedlander (1947-2011), Reason is celebrating its 50th anniversary by hosting a series of in-depth conversations with past editors about how the magazine has changed since its founding, what we've gotten right and wrong over the years, and what the future holds for believers in "free minds and free markets." In a wide-ranging discussion with Editor at Large Nick Gillespie, Postrel lays out how her vision of the magazine differed from her predecessors' and talks about how many of the issues that dominated her tenure—immigration reform, trade and regulatory policy, and the biotech revolution—remain front and center in public discourse.