Japan Trip – Day 6 – Osaka Aquarium

Finding Japan show

Summary: <br> From Thursday, November 17th: Day six of my Japan trip was spent wandering around the underground malls of Osaka. When we finally popped our heads up for air, we realized we were fairly close the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.kaiyukan.com/eng/index.htm">Osaka Aquarium</a>. Let’s head on over.<br> I present to you, “Today’s Zen Moment” with a dozen or so photos of the critters inside the aquarium, and not always just the fish. More photos <a href="http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=97324495@N00&amp;q=aquarium+AND+osaka&amp;m=tags&amp;z=t">here</a>.<br>