The Ballad of the Forgotten Popstars

Don Woods show

Summary: .A few days of hot sunshine has taken us by surprise....hottest place in Europe we are won't last but while it does it creates some strange male species....the females are fine ..they appear in their shorts and T shirts and are easy on the eye...but the men...hmm....out come the huge baggy shorts...the stripped T shirts over their generous guts plus huge trainers....not forgetting the baseball cap and sunglasses....these are middle aged men trying to look trendy...and failing...they even have this strange walk proving they have "still got it"...what puzzles me is what do they see when they look in the mirror?....and they are everywhere....but generally after a few days the weather breaks and it's back to normal. 2.When I formed my recording company I had a demo service whereby I would advertise for people to send me their rough tapes of their songs (some VERY rough) and I would knock them into shape for them to present to publishers etc....I did 200 of these which paid for my studio...I had to deal with guys singing in the bath...answering the phone halfway through without turning their tape off etc etc....most were hilarious and sadly going nowhere but occasionally I would get a example was from a regular customer who was a judge in Ireland....his songs weren't commercial but very in particular which I can still remember was called "Time Flies By" and asked the question as to why we fought wars against each other for reasons that few of us know when the real enemy is time...which is the true relentless foe......I orchestrated it and sang it with my girl session singer Sue Young....a very interesting song by a clever man... 3.I had to laugh at the ANSWER to the Scottish alcohol problem....they are putting the prices of the booze up....brilliant.....a £1.50 small bottle of cider is now £5.....oh yeah that will solve the problem I don't think ...all this will do is give the breweries £3.50 clear profit.....who do they think they are kidding??....the answer is to STOP selling it !!!....alcoholics will buy the booze one way or another which creates the worry as to where they get the cash....I'd love 5 minutes with the bonehead who came up with this idea....I'm sure those who are not alcoholics...which is the majority...are delighted with this idea. 4.I have been watching the world snooker on the telly...and really enjoying it....I can play snooker but not very well so it is great to see these top class players making it look so easy....and how they have the concentration and stamina to go the whole really is good stuff BUT...what we can do without is the constant unnecessary so called commentary from the likes of John Virgo and a few others....constantly predicting what shot will be played next and getting it wrong....let's just watch the game !!!....there are times when silence works ... it doesn't need filling with drivel....and it's nearly time for the Eurovision again....don't hold out much hope for our entry but we never know....they had the Brotherhood of Man on telly discussing it....looking a bit worse for wear ...aren't we all. 5.And speaking of past pop stars the song this week is one I wrote a while back remembering some of the forgotten stars...some of which have re-emerged since I wrote the song.....should bring back a few memories "The Ballad of The Forgotten Pop Stars"