MCU CosmicCast Episode 1: The Eternals, Black Widow, and Marvel’s ‘Blue Sky’ Ideas

MCU CosmicCast show

Summary: <p>The first episode of the MCU CosmicCast is here!</p> <p>This episode is going to be a little shorter than usual as the site has only really been up for five days, and it’s just me running solo right now but in the future I’ll likely bring on a co-host. In this first episode I discuss:</p> <ul> <li> <a href="">The Eternals</a>. Recapping the scoop, discussing the sourcing on it, and revealing some additional stuff not on the site. </li> <li> <a href="">Black Widow’s release date</a>. </li> <li>The <a href="">Infinity War</a> footage being screened at fan events. </li> <li> <a href="">Infinity War’s box office tracking</a>. </li> <li>That Reddit <a href="">Guardians of the Galaxy Easter Egg</a>. </li> <li> <a href="">Adam Warlock and the Soul Stone</a>. </li> <li>Marvel’s “Blue Sky” ideas. This is something I didn’t post on the site and it’s only two small things they may be thinking of doing in the future. </li> </ul>