How Dad Can Be Involved In Homeschooling Podcast Episode 15

Simply Living for Him show

Summary: Think homeschooling is just mom's job? Really, it takes the whole family. Whether Dad has a supporting role or a very active role, He is the head of the home and his involvement is necessary. Since many dads work outside of the home during school time though, then just how does he get involved in the teaching? First, by being the head of the house, his influence is essential in raising our kids. Next, it is quite easy to find ways for dad to teach using his talents, skills, and gifts. And don't think it has to be during school hours! Dads can "teach" lessons that are far more important that those found in textbooks between the hours of 9-3. Join me with my special guest, my handsome hubby, as we talk about how he gets involved in teaching life skills, entrepreneurial skills, and just by his example, he is teaching my kids as much (and probably more!) than any of my lessons plans and textbooks!