3. ANGER & LONELINESS - Linda Jacobs of DivorceCare (Part 1)

Solo Parent Society show

Summary: LINDA JACOBS (Part 1) ANGER & LONELINESS Anger and loneliness are some of the most common feelings that Solo Parents deal with. Learning to live and process through both is difficult. Today, Linda Jacobs, one of the country’s top leaders in the area of children, divorce, and single-parents, guides us through her personal encounters with these sometimes overwhelming realities. She also exposes questions like: What would you say are the top 3 universal issues we face as single parents- And how did you deal with those? What is one thing that you learned about yourself during that season? Having been both divorced and widowed, Linda learned firsthand the emotional and support needs of broken families. She created DivorceCare for Kids in 2004, and is a children’s ministry director, children’s program developer, speaker, author, trainer, and therapeutic child care center owner. Linda has spoken into the lives of millions of single-parent families and their children. She can be reached via the contact form at blog.DC4K.org