Episode 246: Blossoming Babes Q&A with Jenni and Courtney

The Blossoming Mommy and Baby Show show

Summary: Hey There, Gorgeous!! Happy Friday :) Today we have another fun + inspiring episode of Blossoming Babes QandA! Courtney is joining me as we answer each other's questions on everything from cooking classes to family boundaries. We hope you feel encouraged, inspired, and you enjoy listening in! In today's episode, we answer the following questions: What is Jenni most proud of in her life? Has Courtney ever taken a cooking class? If Jenni could only have 3 possessions, what would they be? How does Courtney set healthy boundaries for her family? If Jenni could witness any event (past, present or future), what would it be? What is Courtney's favorite way to tie together an outfit? Now it s your turn!! Would you ever take a cooking class? Let us know on Instagram @blossomingmommyandbaby. As always, we hope you enjoy learning more about the Babes behind Blossoming Mommy and Baby. Tune in next week for more fun, laughs, and girl chat! Today s Sponsor: Stork and Dove Mamas You are going to LOVE Stork and Dove s Booby Boons! These soy, wheat, gluten, preservative, and corn FREE lactation cookies are SO delicious and SO healthy! Try a bag for yourself by using the coupon code: sandd-0518-bmandb for free shipping on all orders over $29.99 via www.storkanddove.com. Coupon is valid for one use per customer and expires May 1st, 2018 Shop Now!