086: New Year, Same You


Summary: Good goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant( be yours) and time-bound. Set goals early, write them down and display them publicly. Only 3% of Americans do this, most Americans fail at their New Years resolutions by January 15. Here’s some categories, define what your areas are, then list them in order of value. 1. Spiritual: 2. Family: 3. Mental (intellectual): 4. Emotional: 5. Physical: 6. Social: 7. Environmental: 8. Financial: 9. Career: Share your goals and objectives, be specific with who you’re sharing- make sure they keep you accountable. Don’t bother sharing them with people who don’t value the things you value. Everything worth it in life is uphill. Habit building contributes to goal success. We would love to hear from you!!! Leave us a voicemail at: 1(805) 242-6559 Instagram: @thewayfampodcast Like us on: facebook.com/thewayfam If you have questions or suggestions or jokes or ideas, ask us at: thewayfam.tumblr.com or email us at thewayfampodcast@gmail.com we love ya!! xoxo