092: Schedules


Summary: Are you a free spirit or a nerd? What’s important and what’s urgent and how do you differently between the two? If something isn’t urgent it seldom gets done, even if it’s important. By scheduling out our time we have the ability to make prevent something important from becoming urgent. Do you want to be fighting fires all the time or preventing fires from happening? It all depends on how you schedule your time and what you make a priority based on how you spend your time. We would love to hear from you!!! Leave us a voicemail at: 1(805) 242-6559 Instagram: @thewayfampodcast Like us on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/thewayfam">Facebook!</a>:  If you have questions or suggestions or jokes or ideas, ask us: <a href="https://www.thewayfam.tumblr.com">Tumblr</a> or email us at thewayfampodcast@gmail.com we love ya!! xoxo