Farewell to Sir Ken

Don Woods show

Summary: .The great Ken Dodd has sadly passed away.....to me he was the greatest comedian of all time...the funniest man in the world....I saw him many times on stage and left the theatre with aching sides.......I had the pleasure of meeting him and having a chat about 10 years ago at a friends 80th birthday party....he was a true gentleman and quite serious....I told him my dad and I used to listen to his radio show in the 50s and laughed so much and I asked him if he would ever go back to radio to he said he would if asked....he was a perfect example of being bestowed a knighthood far too late in his life....when they were too busy giving gongs to ten a penny pop stars and sportsmen.....Ken was the real deal. 2.And on the subject of great entertainers I watch the tribute show to Bruce Forsyth....which was brilliant and a fitting tribute.....again he had to wait virtually all his life to receive a knighthood....I was never a massive fan of Brucie but appreciated his huge talent...he could sing and dance,play piano,present and perform stand up.....I don't think he will ever be replaced....these guys are worth every penny they make unlike some of the "modern" stars who seem to think they deserve it. 3Jamie Carragher has been in the news for spitting at a football fan.....he has apologised to the fan....obviously trying to save his overpaid job with Sky TV....it was a 14 year old girl who copped for it in her dad's car while her dad was giving Carragher some stick....before videoing the event on his phone....OOPS....again another example of a multi millionaire who thinks he is above it all and not realising that he is actually a yob.....I hope he is brought to task over this as these sports stars have a big influence on the young and should be eternally grateful for being where they are......it was like Cantina a while back when he jumped over the barrier and kicked a fan in the chest.....if these sports stars can't take stick from those who put them where they are they are in the wrong business. 4.What I find insulting to my intelligence is how we are supposedly led to believe that by putting the prices up on cigarettes and junk food for example....this will stop people smoking or getting obese.....and there will be extra tax on Diesel cars in order to save the planet.....who are they kidding??....it's about GREED that's all....people will still smoke and buy diesel cars and the companies will make even more money..........................and Meghan Markle will be wearing a 400 grand dress for the wedding....heaven knows how much that lot will cost.....and I had to laugh at the headlines in magazine on a shelf in our local supermarket "Is Meghan getting cold feet?.....will she go through with it?".....amazing the depths these trashy mags will go to to sell their product. 5.The song this week entitled "The Magic Of Wales" is one I composed for my pal Paul Damian back in the day and is a tribute to my ancestors.....this was the follow up to my now famous "How To Say Llafairpwll...etc" which has had nearly one million seven hundred thousand hits on YouTube.....I originally brought this out as a single which sold very well at the time...it is now on an album with other songs of Wales....and still sells.....the line I like is "The sunrise in the morning lighting up Treadurr Bay....the waterfall at Dyserth with a rainbow in its spray"......I don't know where these lines come from.....strange.