#14 Why Lab’ Coats Make You Smarter, Dr David Halpern UK's Nudge Unit, Being Super Persuasive

Fortune Copilot show

Summary: The Secret To Becoming More Intelligent At Work      Strangely, wearing a lab’ coat at work has been shown to make you more intellectual, but that doesn’t suit every environment. Alan Coote and Josh Alex reveal how what you wear has an effect on your career. Special Guest – The Tricks Behind The Apprenticeship Scheme The Government backed ‘Nudge Unit’ has been working on improving the Apprenticeship Scheme. Alan Coote discovers from Dr David Halpern, the head of the unit, how understanding human behaviour is leading to better qualified apprentices and improved funding. Are You More Persuasive Than You Think?    If you struggle asking for help or you’re the boss that no one listens to, fear not. Alan Coote and Josh Alex uncover why you are more persuasive than you think, and how to put this in to action.