#10 Jim Florentine

Stand Up Lie Down  with Joe Matarese and Dr. Keith Ablow show

Summary: With a career spanning many popular shows like: Inside Amy Schumer, Girls, Louie, Californication,<br>Jimmy Kimmel Live, VH1 Classic's "That Metal Show", Fox News Red Eye, The Howard Stern Radio &amp; TV Show, and many others. He's a hilarious comedian, but on the other side - he's a little darker. The passing of his father, then the passing of his girlfriend, followed by a (recent) divorce have molded him into the man he is today. Let's find out who that is, in this episode of StandUp Lie Down.  Love the podcast? Consider following us on <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Standupliedown">Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/Standupliedown</a>.<br>We rely on your support to develop new episodes, and want to hear from you!