The Blackhawks Rinkcast – Episode 19 – Mailsack Extravaganza

The Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Rinkcast show

Summary: <h3> host <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jeff “<em>Gatekeeper</em>” Osborn</a> is rejoined by co-host <a href="">John Jaeckel</a>.  Jeff and John return from their respective vacations and then spend a healthy portion of the program answering mailbag questions.</h3><ul> <li>Gate spends 5 days in Denver, and <a href=""><strong><em>ALMOST</em> </strong>witnesses </a><strong><strong><a href=";utm_source=direct&amp;utm_medium=linker-" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Collin Delia</a></strong></strong>‘s NHL debut</li> <li>John was also on vacation but not as eventful</li> <li>The <strong><strong><a href=";utm_source=direct&amp;utm_medium=linker-" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Scott Foster</a></strong></strong> situation (<em>good and bad</em>)</li> <li>The <strong><strong><a href=";utm_source=direct&amp;utm_medium=linker-" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Jeff Glass</a></strong> Experience</strong> is back from it’s tour of Europe, Scandinavia and the subcontinent.</li> <li>A long talk bout <strong><strong><a href=";utm_source=direct&amp;utm_medium=linker-" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Joel Quenneville</a></strong></strong> and <b>Stan Bowman</b> </li> <li> <strong><strong><a href=";utm_source=direct&amp;utm_medium=linker-" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Victor Ejdsell</a></strong>, <strong><a href=";utm_source=direct&amp;utm_medium=linker-" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Dylan Sikura</a></strong></strong> and <strong><strong><a href=";utm_source=direct&amp;utm_medium=linker-" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Blake Hillman</a></strong></strong> all make their NHL debuts, as well.</li> <li>Possible free agent targets.</li> <li>Plenty of reader/listener questions.</li> </ul><h3>Please subscribe, rate this episode, and even write us a review. Reviews will be read on the air.</h3><h3>Also, Please help spread the word to more #RinkRats and visit our sponsor <a href=""></a> Use the discount code <strong><em>“THERINK”</em></strong> for 10% off all orders.</h3><p><a href=""><img title="The Rink 2018_AD-300x300 The Blackhawks Rinkcast – Episode 19 – Mailsack Extravaganza Rinkcast Dylan Sikura Collin Delia Chicago Blackhawks Blake Hillman Blackhawks " class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-2430" src=";ssl=1" alt="The Rink 2018_AD-300x300 The Blackhawks Rinkcast – Episode 19 – Mailsack Extravaganza Rinkcast Dylan Sikura Collin Delia Chicago Blackhawks Blake Hillman Blackhawks " width="500" height="500"></a></p>