How To Have No Filter

Note To Self show

Summary: <p>Today, listener stories and tips: we wrap up our No Filter series of conversations about how women live online.</p> <p>From YouTube megastar<a href=""> Lele Pons</a> to iconic artist<a href=""> Barbara Kruger</a>, we heard a joyous mix of vulnerable confessions, utter defiance, and (for once) a mostly positive vision of what being a woman on the web can look like. To wrap it up, stories from you. About how you’re reconciling the IRL you with the online you. Plus, The Cut’s editor-in-chief <a href="" target="_blank">Stella Bugbee</a> is back with her greatest hope for the next generation of women in the workplace.</p> <p>-------</p> <p><span>Some podcast news: For the next several weeks you'll hear the “Best of” Note to Self in your podcast feed. Our favorite episodes. Manoush will be working on some other projects, but she’ll be back before you know it with some changes and surprises. Keep in touch with her on <a href="">Twitter</a>, <a href="">Instagram</a>, and on <a href="">her website</a>.</span></p>