Classic Lecture Series - Sir Frederick Handley Page, the Birth of the World's First Big Aeroplane

AeroSociety Podcast show

Summary: Shortly after the outbreak of World War I, the Admiralty asked Handley Page to build a strategic bomber; work on Britain’s first large aircraft was begun. In a lecture given just months before his death, Sir Frederick Handley Page HonFRAeS tells the story of how he and his company designed, built and tested the Handley Page O/100 (H.P.11), O/400 (H.P.12) and V/1500 (H.P.15) and how these aircraft were used in war and peace. Sir Frederick Handley Page HonFRAeS addressed a meeting organised by the Royal Aeronautical Society’s Historical Group on 30 October 1961. The recording was digitised thanks to a grant from the RAeS Foundation and the podcast was edited by Mike Stanberry FRAeS.