My Personal Investment Strategy

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Summary: The finer points of my personal investment strategy including emergency funds, checking and savings accounts, and investing beyond Betterment.<br> An emergency fund is vital as we discussed in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Episode 64.</a> But we define that a bit differently than a lot of people.   You should not have a savings account.  You need a checking account that contains one month’s expenses plus 150%.<br> So if you spend $2000 a month, your checking account should contain $5000.  In lieu of a savings account which makes less than 1% interest, you should use a tool like Betterment to stash your emergency fund.  The money here will grow at an average of 7% a year and is liquid within a few days.  This is controversial to some but it is not risky.  This account should be funded up to $25,000.<br> Should you participate in your company’s 401K?  Never turn down free money. If your company matches, you should contribute the same amount into a 401K even if you have credit card debt.<br> Now things are a bit more comfortable.  Between your checking account and investment account, you have about $30,000.  This is your working capital.  We’re comfy now but it’s no time to get complacent.  We’re going to take a little risk by investing in something like individual stocks or a fund with a company like Vanguard or Fidelity.<br> The next step is for advanced investors with $100,000 or more invested.  You can afford a little more risk.  Andrew has had very good returns with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Lending Club.</a>  Not for the faint of heart but the rewards can be enormous.<br> Don’t forget, we’ve also put together a list of the <a href="">top vanguard funds</a> we know about – you should check them out!<br> Now go out and be the best investor you can be!<br> Show Notes<br> <a href="">The Ultimate Investment Strategy Blueprint:</a>  Andrew’s recent blog article.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Vanguard:</a> A low fee investment management company.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Betterment:</a>  Where your emergency fund should be stored.  Use this link and get six months free investing!<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Nominate our Podcast for a FinCon Spotlight Award</a>: We all know someone in the FinCon Community or beyond that is doing interesting, far-reaching work to help people with their money.<br>