Obama Care Health Insurance For The Self Employed

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Summary:  <br> Obama Care has made health insurance accessible to more people but it’s confusing to navigate. Thomas will tell us his story of signing up.<br> Having wider access to health insurance is great, but you still have to go through the process of picking a plan and signing up. If you’ve tried and given up, take heart. Thomas did it and you can too.<br> The ACA has an open enrollment period. The next one is November 1,2015-January 31,2016. There are certain <a href="https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/special-enrollment-period/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">exceptions</a> to this time period that you might be eligible for if you missed the last sign up.<br> There are several tiers of care to choose from. The lower costs plans usually have higher deductibles so make sure you check the deductible before choosing a plan.<br> Thomas’s father lost his coverage which is why Thomas had to strike out on his own even though he’s 23. If you are 26 or younger, you can still be covered under a parent’s policy.<br> The cheapest option for Thomas was about $205 a month. He chose a plan that is $258 a month because of the smaller deductible. And he has dental insurance for an additional $17 a month.<br> There are hard ship <a href="https://www.healthcare.gov/fees-exemptions/exemptions-from-the-fee/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">exemptions</a> you may be eligible for so you can avoid being fined. You can also get a tax credit for buying coverage if you are self employed.<br> We’re looking for an expert to do a really deep dive on this subject for you. We just wanted to get something out because it may not be too late for you to get signed up for coverage.<br> Going though all this is a pain in the ass for sure but you’ll be fined if you aren’t covered and having insurance gives you peace of mind.<br> Show Notes<br> <a href="https://www.listenmoneymatters.com/go/betterment/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Betterment:</a> The easy way to invest.<br>