Rewrite Your Money Story With Belinda Rosenblum

Listen Money Matters - Free your inner financial badass. This is not your father's boring personal finance show. show

Summary: Break old money habits and change your mindset around money. Today we rewrite your money story with Belinda Rosenblum.<br> We all have preconceived notions around money, many of them unconscious. If we can tease those notions to the forefront, we can conquer them and the behaviors they cause that hold us back financially.<br> Belinda’s Story<br> Our guest is a CPA and wealth expert who helps people take the worry and fear out of money. She believes life is supposed to be fun, and money is supposed to fund it for you! Belinda left her thriving corporate finance role to found <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> in 2007 and lead a movement to change our entire perspective on money – so we release the overwhelming shame, take control, and learn the needed skills to be confident with money.<br> Belinda is the creator of the Money Makers Academy, a monthly step-by-step program that quickly shows you how to make more and save more money – without the confusion and stress. This is about teaching you the essential money skills and mindset that you may assume everyone else knows but actually very few people were ever properly taught.<br> You can even begin to “Shift Your Money Destiny” in her new free online workshop open for a limited time at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> — get instant access now to the Money IQ Quiz and Rewrite Your Money Story Guide!<br> She also is the coauthor of the book, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SELF-WORTH TO NET WORTH: 12 Keys to Creating Wealth Inside and Out</a>, offering a step-by-step approach to help you build your financial self-esteem and manage your own financial life.<br> We All Know What To Do<br> Being financially healthy and physically fit have a lot in common. We all know what we should be doing; don’t spend money you don’t have on things you don’t need by charging up your<a href=""> credit cards. </a>Eat meat and vegetables for dinner, not chocolate cake.<br> That doesn’t always mean we do the right thing though even when we are well aware of what that is. Why not?<br> Sometimes we do manage to stay on the right track, we don’t overspend on our credit cards or eat cake for dinner. But then something happens, we might not even realize the correlation, and we fall back into our old habits and our old holes.<br> Addressing the Symptoms but Not the Disease<br> For whatever reason, we were able to do well for a time. Maybe we got busted by a partner for those bad habits that affected them too. Maybe we got a new job with a significant pay increase and were able to pay off the credit card debt. Those things only address the symptoms; the overspending, not the disease; what is causing us to overspend?<br> The Original Sin<br> What is the reason we fall back to those old, bad habits, sometimes without even realizing it? Maybe we never learned good money skills. Our thoughts and habits around money are formed early ages <a href="">4-7</a>. If we didn’t have parents who modeled good money habits, many of us never learn them unless we seek them out on our own because they surely aren’t taught in schools either.<br> Our beliefs around money affect so many other areas of our lives; how hard we work, what kind of jobs we take, how we interact with our family about money. To find our true money destiny, we have to uncover those original money sins that have shaped our behavior over the rest of our lives.<br> Getting to the Bottom of It<br> Belinda has developed steps to help you uncover the disease, the reason you have these behaviors around money, rather than just slapping a band aid on the symptoms.