Transparency, 100% Honesty, Family Vision & more (with Ryan and Selena Frederick)

Better Together with Datebox show

Summary: On this episode, we sit down with Ryan and Selena Frederick. We talk about transparency, being 100% honest with your spouse or partner, developing a family vision, and more. Our conversation with Ryan &amp; Selena was one of our favorites so far, you won’t want to miss this week's episode! <h3 id="show-notes">Show Notes</h3> <p>This week, we chat with Ryan &amp; Selena Frederick from Fierce Marriage. Ryan &amp; Selena began blogging about their marriage 5 years ago, and their blog <a href=""></a> is now read by more than 2 million couples each month. They speak about marriage in an incredibly real, and transparent way, and we're so excited to have them on the show this week.</p> <p>On this episode, we talk about transparency, being 100% honest with your spouse or partner, developing a family vision, and more. Our conversation with Ryan &amp; Selena was one of our favorites so far, you won’t want to miss this week's episode!</p> <p>Better Together is brought to you by Datebox. Each month, we create a fun, unique, and creative date, and send you everything you need to enjoy it together. Bring back date night, with Datebox. Get $20 off your first date by entering promo code <a href="">BETTERTOGETHERPODCAST</a> at <a href=""></a></p> <p>To connect with Ryan &amp; Selena, and learn more about their resources and books, visit <a href=""></a></p> <h3 id="related-resources">Related Resources</h3> <ul> <li><a href=""></a></li> </ul>