Episode 29. Jesus Wept: Hellraiser (1987) and Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)

Faculty of Horror » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Andrea and Alex open a puzzlebox to unpack the history, mythology and impact of Clive Barker’s iconic series. REQUIRED READING Hellraiser. Dir Clive Barker, 1987. Hellbound: Hellraiser II. Dir Tony Randel. 1988. EXTRA CREDIT The Hellbound Heart – Clive Barker’s novella that spawned the franchise. “Fire, Brimstone and PVC: Clive Barker’s Cenobites as Agents of Hell” – Andrea’s chapter in The Undead and Theology looks at how the Hellraiser series suggests a modernized depiction of hell, morality and punishment. The Hellraiser Podcast – They’ll tear your ears apart! COURSE NOTES  Intro song: Nail Ballet from Nightmare Picture Theatre, courtesy of James Zirco Fisher. LISTEN Right click or option-click here and choose “Save Target As…” to download the mp3.