Episode 32. I Want Your Sex: David Cronenberg’s Shivers (1975)

Faculty of Horror » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Alex and Andrea are joined by Paul “Canuxploitation” Corupe to deconstruct the architecture and isolation of David Cronenberg’s first feature, SHIVERS, within the context of the Canadian film industry. So grab your favourite parasite, check on your neighbours and listen in. To enter the HORRORWOOD NORTH giveaway – use #Horrorwood and tag us (@FacultyofHorror) with your favourite Canadian horror film (contest open internationally). To enter the SATANIC PANIC giveaway – use #SatanicPanic and tag us (@FacultyofHorror) with your favourite Satanic film (contest open internationally). REQUIRED READING Shivers. Dir David Cronenberg, 1975. EXTRA CREDIT They Came From Within: A History of Canadian Horror Cinema by Caelum Vatnsdal. From Cinépix to Cineplex: The Studios that Dripped Maple Syrup. From Paul Corupe’s excellent Canuxploitation website, a look at the studios that helped shaped Canadian genre films. Language Conflict in Quebec. An overview of Quebec’s political and social turbulence from the late 1960s to 1980s. FEAR ON FILM: Landis, Carpenter, Cronenberg! An excellent interview with Cronenberg and other horror auteurs. COURSE NOTES  Intro song: Nail Ballet from Nightmare Picture Theatre, courtesy of James Zirco Fisher. LISTEN Right click or option-click here and choose “Save Target As…” to download the mp3.