#4 Brody Stevens

Stand Up Lie Down  with Joe Matarese and Dr. Keith Ablow show

Summary: You may recognize him from The Hangover movies or his Comedy Central Half Hour Special!  You also may recognize him from having his own show on Comedy Central called Enjoy It, which depicted his struggles with anxiety, psychiatric medication and his pursuit of happiness. He’s unique—some would say a comic’s comic. Brody has a tremendous need for attention, which you can see clearly from his daily Periscopes, which feel like a real life version of the Truman Show as he live streams almost his whole life. We’re going behind that curtain to find the real Brody Stevens in the next episode of StandUp Lie Down. Enjoy the show? Consider supporting the production of the podcast by visiting us on <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Standupliedown">Patreon</a> at: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Standupliedown">https://www.patreon.com/Standupliedown</a>. You will gain access to a lot of added content! We survive on your support!