Episode 0 Postscript: your_questions_answered

Python Out Loud show

Summary: <p><a href="http://pythonoutloud.com/episode0postscript" rel="nofollow">Episode 0 Postscript Show Notes</a>: <a href="http://pythonoutloud.com/episode0postscript" rel="nofollow">pythonoutloud.com/episode0postscript</a></p> <p>While we create Episode 1, this Episode 0 Postscript answers some of your questions, discusses our plans for the show, and announces our first giveaway!</p> <p>In addition, Isaiah shared some stories from <a href="https://www.pycascades.com/" rel="nofollow">PyCascades</a> (<a href="https://www.pycascades.com/" rel="nofollow">https://www.pycascades.com/</a>), a regional Python conference held in Canada in January 2018. At PyCascades, Isaiah even gave a Lightning Talk announcing Python Out Loud to nearly 400 audience members: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrzfSU-8zVY&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=24m50s" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrzfSU-8zVY&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=24m50s</a></p> <p>We recommend watching all of the other amazing talks, as well: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWI06j1EADmEOGj2iJhSyA" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWI06j1EADmEOGj2iJhSyA</a></p> <p>Also, while explaining why we started with Episode 0 and not Episode 1, Isaiah told us about a controversial topic in mathematics. So controversial, in fact, it involves fistfights! (Please encourage Isaiah to tell us more about the fight. Was he a participant? Were calculators involved?)</p> <p>And finally, Isaiah took the opportunity to thank friend of the show, Michael Kennedy, for now only mentioning Python Out Loud in <a href="https://pythonbytes.fm/episodes/show/62/wooey-and-gooey-are-simple-python-guis" rel="nofollow">Python Bytes Episode 62</a>, but also generously donating several Talk Python <a href="https://training.talkpython.fm/courses/bundle/2018-annual-bundle" rel="nofollow">2018 Annual Course Bundles</a>. Follow us on Twitter as @PythonOutLoud (<a href="https://twitter.com/pythonoutloud" rel="nofollow">https://twitter.com/pythonoutloud</a>) to find out how you can win a Course Bundle.</p> <p>This episode features the song "Happy Ukulele" by <a href="http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Scott_Holmes/" rel="nofollow">Scott Holmes</a> and the songs "And So Then" and "Puzzle Pieces" by <a href="http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere/" rel="nofollow">Lee Rosevere</a>.</p> <p>Thank you for your support, and stay tuned for Episode 1. We plan to discuss problem solving in Python, focusing on the so-called FizzBuzz Challenge.</p> <hr> <p>If you’re still reading, there's a statistically significant chance you want to help us build a community and support our cause! If our prediction is correct, please visit <a href="http://pythonoutloud.com/donate" rel="nofollow">pythonoutloud.com/donate</a>. We want Python Out Loud to be community driven and non-profit oriented, which is why we pledge to be transparent and donate anything in excess of our operating expenses to the Python Software Foundation (PSF). For just $3, we'll even mail you a limited-edition Python Out Loud sticker!</p> <hr>