Episode 9: Javad Khazaeli, The Immigrant's Story

Connection Interrupted show

Summary: <p>On October 25th, 2017 Javad Khazaeli wrote an op-ed <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/25/opinion/prosecution-terrorists-bush-iran.html" rel="nofollow">piece</a> for the New York Times titled I Prosecuted Terrorists for President Bush. Now My Family in Iran May Be Banned From Visiting.<br><br> Javad, one of the early hires for Homeland Security and who spent nine and a half years with the organization, wrote of his own family’s personal experience with President Trump’s travel ban. Dr. Sadegh Khazaeli; Javad’s father, American Citizen, and hero to the many students he influenced over the years; had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. His family back in Iran was repeatedly denied entry to the U.S. despite passing multiple background checks and Javad’s dedication and service to his country.</p> <p>We recorded this interview in early December 2017.</p> <p>Javad’s father passed away on Christmas Day 2017.</p> <p>Due to the White House Administration his family in Iran was never able to pay their respects and say their goodbyes.</p> <p>This is Dr. Khazaeli and Javad’s story.</p><p>Special Guest: Javad Khazaeli.</p>