Episode 118 – Contract Location Terms and What Are These Compact States?

The NP Dude show

Summary: <p>Happy New Year! On this episode of the NP Dude podcast I discuss what happens when your employer tells you your office is closing and you have to travel to a new location.  I also give my opinions about Compact states and why they haven’t become popular yet.  Start the new year off with a bang by giving ratings on iTunes and Facebook, using the <a href="https://www.amazon.com/b?node=3760901&amp;tag=th0a45-20&amp;camp=15361&amp;creative=395581&amp;linkCode=ur1&amp;adid=0H7FJWDWT049K5MN72CT&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Amazon Affiliate</a> link, or giving a donation through the donate button!  Keep questions and concerns coming to me at Jeff@theNPDude.com and let me know if you want a Chronic Intractables t-shirt!</p>