Episode 254: Not Making Any Sales? Here’s 5 Reasons Why (FS254)

The Fizzle Show show

Summary: <p>shownotes: <a href="http://fizzleshow.co/254" rel="nofollow">http://fizzleshow.co/254</a></p> <p>Many an entrepreneur knows the feeling… you’re sending the emails, making the calls, promoting the offer on the web and social media, but the sales just aren’t coming in. </p> <p>Are your missed sales telling you something about how you’re making your pitch? </p> <p>Maybe you can turn things around with a few quick corrections. 
<br> How to turn it around</p> <p>This is the kind of thing we see happen all the time with modern entrepreneurs. And the fixes might surprise you right into a new way of thinking about sales. </p> <p>(Hint: there’s normally at least one big mindset shift that needs happen.) </p> <p>There are 5 reasons why your sales aren’t rolling in and we want to coach you through each one. </p> <p>You see, it’s not enough to know what the problem is… you have to know how to FIX it. </p> <p>If you want to be making more sales — not just today, but for the lifetime of your business — than you need to learn these lessons. <br> 
So, listen up because these ideas might make all the difference for you. </p> <p>If you think you can just throw together a cute sales email based on a script you found online, think again. Your audience — if they’re good enough to support your business for the long haul — are smarter than that. </p> <p>So, listen, this teaching is coming at you in the form of a conversation — a podcast episode to be exact. </p> <p>You think skimming through some article is going to fix your sales issue? Chances are your problem runs a little deeper than that. </p> <p>So get your notebook and your favorite stimulant ready and let’s dive… </p> <p>… because incorporating these 5 elements will not only help you make more sales NOW, but also give you a strong foundation for years to come. </p> <p>PODSC</p> <p>Key Points From This Episode:</p> <p>Waiting until the last ditch to sell something. [0:06:43.1]<br> The role of sales in a modern business (and the future of sales). [0:13:55.4]<br> Why are sales so important? [0:14:42.1]<br> The desperation landmine will ruin your sales chances. [0:18:06.2]<br> Here’s something that will change your business life: practice selling without any of the sleaze. [0:26:21.7]<br> The “asking for feedback” tactic to help you learn and grow no matter the result of your pitch/offer. [0:35:12.1]<br> Aligning your offer with an audience’s intention. (Secret sauce alert!) [0:39:48.4]<br> Providing a customer with the reason to buy right now! [0:44:53.6]<br> Elevating the stories of your customers as a means to generate more sales. [0:48:19.1]<br> Recapping the five elements of sales we have covered in today’s episode. [0:53:29.6]</p> <p>Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:</p> <p>Fizzle — <a href="https://fizzle.co" rel="nofollow">https://fizzle.co</a><br> Ember — <a href="https://ember.com/" rel="nofollow">https://ember.com/</a><br> Fizzle Toolkit — <a href="https://fizzle.co/toolkit" rel="nofollow">https://fizzle.co/toolkit</a><br> Glengarry Glen Ross — <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104348/" rel="nofollow">http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104348/</a><br> Chris Johnson — <a href="https://www.bizjournals.com/sacramento/news/2016/04/04/local-shark-tank-winner-cooks-up-a-major-expansion.html" rel="nofollow">https://www.bizjournals.com/sacramento/news/2016/04/04/local-shark-tank-winner-cooks-up-a-major-expansion.html</a><br> Gusto — <a href="https://gusto.com/" rel="nofollow">https://gusto.com/</a></p>