Chicago Beer Pass: Up Down Darkside

Chicago Beer Pass show

Summary: Welcome to the Chicago Beer Pass: Your ticket to all the great beer events happening in and around Chicago. This week on Chicago Beer Pass, Brad Chmielewski & Nik White are drinking cans of Aleman as they dive into an event filled weekend. They talk about stouts at Revolution, Uppers & Downers and Darkside 6. You would think this was FoBAB with the amount of stout beer talk and drinking that happened this weekend. We both went to some great events and it was awesome to chat with so many cool beer peeps at them. There are some fun events happening around the city as Cigar City drops into the market. Check out the calendar from your favorite beer bar because there is a good chance they have a tap takeover going on. Thanks for listening to Chicago Beer Pass! Having issues listening to the audio? Try the MP3 (43.4 MB) or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes!