28: Processing Pain With A Simple Question

SoulFcked show

Summary: Heartbreak sucks, period. And when it's totally unexpected and out of nowhere, it can literally feel like your insides have been yanked from your body. Devastating. Debilitating. Gut-wrenching PAIN. What if I told you, though, that it's with purpose? That this is the Universe giving you a not-so-subtle nudge that you are up-leveling and that the person or situation is no longer serving your highest good... I was asked a really profound question by a dear friend about choice during my own heartbreak and it hit me hard. Because like you, I am human and heartbreak happens. It also feels awful, terrible, gross and quite frankly, like sh*t. And it's a gift, when we DECIDE to see it as such. Today's episode was pulled from a live video I shot on processing my own very raw pain and emotion and giving it meaning in a way that allowed me to forward myself and my experience and CHOOSE better for my own growth. I hope it will inspire you to do the same. And just a reminder, just because you've loved and lost does NOT mean you get to stop sharing your beautiful heart. Keep loving BIG and trust that all will unfold as it should. I love you. As you are.