How Will The Advanced Permaculture Certification Work?

A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers show

Summary: Show Notes: How will the Advanced Permaculture Certification work? It won’t work like a PDC. It’s not about # of hours you watch a video or listen to lecture or if you can demonstrate learning in a backyard or homestead design on paper. All the instructors, we all want you to LIVE Permaculture inside & outside the garden. It can’t be overnight & we can’t do it ALL alone on a homestead: it has to be a community effort. Have you met folks who are 100% or nearly completely off the grid? They don’t get out much or do much other than work on their homestead. They can’t scale much because they are maintaining so many systems. 
Have you met the inverse? The niche regenerative entrepreneurs? These folks pick a path and master it providing their community with ethical regenerative resources. Jack of all Trades Master of None - I was able to excel in music once I focused on one instrument. Likewise in homesteading, we often stretch ourselves thin and cannot excel at or scale most of our systems. Our Adv Certification process will focus on getting you on the path to making this your life and your living: it works much like a senior project. Make a certification proposal at the end of the course. Get it approved. Present it to the class. Put it into action and report back on your progress. According to your own timelines and metrics for success, you will earn your certification. You’ll have our support, the entire community will be with you every step of the way to answers questions and bounce ideas off of. We have almost 50 teachers now so you get that diversity of point of view: Tour the Real Regenerative Niches that are in The Advanced Permaculture Student Online, learn how to partner with nature at a next level inside and outside the garden. SignUp Now & you can still receive the INCREDIBLE KIckstarter Stretch Goal Bonuses - click the link: it’s wild: Thank you so much for your interest in the course. It’s going to be world changing!! I’m Matt Powers. Grow Abundantly, Learn Daily, & Live Regeneratively