CJ Evolution / February 12th / Episode 177 - Your Personal Gold Medals

Criminal Justice Evolution (CJEvolution) - Hosted by Patrick Fitzgibbons show

Summary: <p><em>Hello everyone and welcome back. In this episode Patrick talks about what it means to be a winner. What are you doing everyday to move your personal needle towards the direction you want to go? We all have personal goals and personal Gold Medals that we hold dear. and strive to attain. Keep striving for the best and you will receive the best. You control your fate and the successes that come, or don't come your way. Remember a positive mindset can work wonders. Stay tuned for more great guests. </em></p><br> <p><em>If you are having personal or professional problems that you need help with, head over to Frame of Mind Coaching to see what Kim Ades and her amazing team can do for you. Check it out at <a href="http://www.frameofmindcoaching.com">www.frameofmindcoaching.com</a> </em></p><br> <p><em>Check this and other great episodes at <a href="http://www.cjevolution.com">www.cjevolution.com</a></em></p><br> <p> </p><br> <p><em>Patrick</em></p>