2nd Letter of Peter-Class 2

Dr. James Dobbins Catholic Apologetics show

Summary: Welcome to Catholic apologetics, led by Dr. Jim Dobbins, Author of Take My Hand: A personal retreat companion. This is a podcast of classes we hold each week as part of our Catholic adult education program. Currently we meet in my home. Just finished an RCIA program? This is the next stop on your faith journey. In these classes we look at the different truths of Catholic doctrine and why we know they are true. We also discuss apologetics, spiritual growth, examine the liturgy of the Catholic Mass and do scripture studies. Please encourage your friends to listen. I also encourage you to leave a comment about our podcasts. If you want the slides or any other documents for any class, just e-mail me at jhdphd@gmail.com and I will reply with the documents attached. If you wish, I will also add you to the class materials distribution list so each time I send anything out for the class you will get it. If you are getting the class files from iTunes and would like to see the full set of available classes for download, you can see and download them all at http://yorked.podomatic.com We ask you to also consider going to http://yorked.podomatic.com and become a subscriber. It is free, helps our ratings, and thus helps us reach and help more people. We are now discussing the Letters of St. Peter in the New Testament. We are using the Ignatius Study Bible, edited by Dr. Scott Hahn, and the Navarre Bible, as our course source material. We plan to return to the book, Spiritual Combat Revisited, during Lent to discuss his chapters on Spiritual Exercises. For now, we will study St. Peter’s letters. As we go through this class, you may have many questions. Please feel free to send them to us through Podomatic, or directly to me at jhdphd@gmail.com. I also recommend you get a marvelous CD titled Welcome to the Catholic Church, from Harmony Media. This CD can also be ordered from Ignatius Press, the 101 Foundation, or from your local Catholic book store (ex: http://realcatholic.com/ in Richmond, Va). This CD is a huge treasure trove of material on the Catholic Church, including two searchable bibles, the Catechisms, Council documents, and many, many other documents. I highly recommend it, and it is a genuine bargain. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is a particular topic you would like to see addressed.