Tawhid or Trinity – Nabeel Qureshi vs Shabir Ally

Nabeel Qureshi's Debates show

Summary: <p>What is God Really Like: Tawhid or Trinity?</p> <p>Join Dr. Nabeel Qureshi and Dr. Shabir Ally as they debate on “Who Is The Real God?</p> <p>Allah or the Trinity?”</p> <p>moderated by Ms. Julie Roys,</p> <p>host of Moody Radio’s “Up For Debate” show.</p> <p>Link to the original YouTube video <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWpqqqZn7Kg&amp;t=8792s">here.</a></p> <p>Audio extracted and polished by www.christianaudiodebates.com</p>