A Policing Approach That Improves Health and Wellness of Youth

New Thinking, a Center for Court Innovation Podcast show

Summary: <p><span>This podcast is part of a series highlighting innovative approaches to reducing violence and improving health outcomes among at-risk minority youth at the nine demonstration sites of the </span><a href="http://www.courtinnovation.org/minority-youth-violence-prevention-initiative">Minority Youth Violence Prevention Initiative</a><span>. One of these demonstrations sites is Policing Approach Through Health, Wellness and Youth (PATHWAY) in West Palm Beach, Fla.,<span><span><span><span> an initiative led by the City of West Palm Beach that seeks to promote healthy adolescent development, discourage harmful and violent behavior, and provide youth with opportunities for positive social involvement. </span></span></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="">Reed Daniel, campus manager for the Youth Empowerment Division of the City of West Palm Beach Department of Recreation &amp; Strategic Innovations and Special Agent James Lewis and Assistant Chief Sarah Mooney of the West Palm Beach Police Department joined this week's podcast to discuss the role of law enforcement in PATHWAY, which includes offering critical mentorship and role modeling for program participants and creating meaningful diversion opportunities for low-level youth offenders.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> <div><span><br></span></div> <p> </p>