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The TechEducator Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> Welcome to the Tech Educator Podcast.  The Tech Educator Podcast is a weekly roundtable discussion about current topics in educational technology.  For more information, please visit <a href="http://www.techeducatorpodcast.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener" shape="rect">www.techeducatorpodcast.com</a>.<br> About our Guests:<br> <br> Rebecca Wildman<br> Rebecca Wildman, Apple Distinguished Educator, and Google Certified Teacher is a fourth-grade teacher at Boyne City Elementary School in Boyne City, MI. She is recognized nationally for creating engaging and comprehensive iTunes U courses aligned to the Common Core in the area of English Language Arts. Check out Rebecca on <a href="http://www.teachercast.net/twitter" title="TeacherCast Twitter Account" class="pretty-link-keyword">Twitter</a>, @RebeccaWildman and her website at <a href="http://www.ipadpd.com/">www.ipadpd.com</a><br> <br> Jenny Grabec<br> As Director of Instructional Technology at a K-12 independent school, Jenny has the privilege of leading a one-to-one iPad/Mac rollout with students, faculty, and staff. The students at her current school have average to above average intelligence and have been diagnosed with specific learning disabilities; primarily dysgraphia, dyslexia, language processing, executive function deficits, and/or attention deficit disorder. Jenny also led the first one-to-one iPad pilot in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in a middle school and high school classroom of ESL newcomers back in 2011, when the iPad 2 was first released. Jenny is an Apple Distinguished Educator and CEO of Tech Girl Savvy, LLC.<br> <br> Recorded August 4, 2014<br>