Strange Fruit #228: 'White Racism' College Course Prompts... White Racism

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Summary: A class called "White Racism" started this semester at Florida Gulf Coast University. Its professor, Dr. Ted Thornhill, started getting angry messages and phone calls quickly after the class was announced. Campus police sat in on the class the first week, to watch out for disruptions. Thornhill had gotten message calling him the n-word, and saying things like, "You're what's wrong with this country." But he says the students in the 50-person class seem eager and engaged with the material. Ted Thornhill joins us this week to talk about the class he's teaching, how it fits into his larger sociology work, and how he and his students are dealing with the backlash. And Doc and Jai unpack the Aziz Ansari story from a queer perspective. What can straight, cis people learn from the ways gay and trans people talk about sex, desire, and consent?