I fink Don's in Luv wiv Una Stubbs

Don Woods show

Summary: First off....I am not a believer in ghosts and spirits etc....I like to think I am a realist....but last week I sent you my song about Bobby Vee which you played....the next day I woke up to find my photo of me and Bobby Vee on the floor...it had fallen off the wall where it has been for several years.....that is some coincidence or what??.....still on the music scene I notice Bruno Mars swept the board at the Grammys....we discussed him a few weeks ago and s far as I'm concerned he is as good as it gets....at the other end of the spectrum The Spice Girls are threatening to re-form...so it's time to get out the ear plugs. 2.We are being overdosed with the Winter Olympics which sadly I don't have much interest in.....mainly because we never do too well in them....then we have the six nations rugby which I quite enjoy...especially as England are doing well...the problem with rugby is if you don't know the rules it all looks a brawl....they should have a programme at the outset explaining the rules for those who require to know?.....I also noticed the ladies rugby was played to a sparse stadium...maybe the men stayed away in case they were accused of sexual harassment?....and on that very subject members of the French national team were accused of inappropriate sexual behaviour on a night out after their game with Scotland....and as usual nothing was proved and no-one charged.....surprise surprise. 3.Sony have been heavily criticised for their cartoon of Peter Rabbit where poor old Peter was pelted with blackberries because he hated them....this...according to "worried" parents could effect their children who might have allergies....the nanny state strikes again...forget Popeye and Tom and Jerry...it's time we STOPPED enjoying cartoons....so there !!.....I despair for the future of our children...laughter and enjoyment will become a thing of the past...but only for the sheep. 4.What we should be moaning about is the total misuse of the English language we have to suffer on television....with Cockneys with their "I Fink it's on Fursday"....there's a TH in there !!....or "There's a par'ee....on sa'adee"....there's a T in there.....also we have our wonderful northerners with Keith Lemon's "Froo keyhole"....THROUGH THE please....or "It were really grand...it really were".....this is what the nanny state should be worried about...........and it's time blokes realised that long hair is for the young...not for wannabe ex rockstars in their 70s....not forgetting the scrawny pony tail....or man buns....and shaved heads which are supposed to make onlookers think they actually have a full head of hair but have decided to have an egg on their shoulders because it's trendy man....only my opinion... if I'm allowed to have one in this P.C.age. 5.The song this week is about one of my favourite ladies..."The Ballad of Una Stubbs".....I have put this on YouTube and have had thousands of hits so obviously I am not alone in my opinion.....I have a signed picture of Una on my wall...I have never met her but I have spoken to her on the phone after sending her the song....so if this falls off the wall I'm leaving town.