Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, author-podcaster-speaker

Talking Animals show

Summary: Colleen Patrick-Goudreau —a nationally-recognized speaker, author (of seven books) and podcaster whose milieu is espousing the virtues of vegan living—describes her earliest efforts as an advocate, the better part of three decades ago, when even then a driving passion was for communicating. Patrick-Goudreau traces her path from functioning as “lone advocate,” distributing handmade leaflets, to starting to teach cooking classes, to producing a DVD, to launching her “Food for Thought” podcast. In response to an observation that the cultural landscape is currently cluttered with podcasts, but when she started “Food for Thought” more than a decade ago, she was ahead of the curve, Patrick-Goudreau allows that she barely knew what a podcast was then, but because her husband is a musician, they had the equipment on hand to give it a go. Referring not just to “Food for Thought,” she notes that much of her work over the years has been aimed at assisting people who recognized they wanted to make a change in their lives (typically, to embrace veganism), but didn’t know how. Earlier this year, Patrick-Goudreau began producing a second podcast, “Animalogy,” exploring animal-related words and expressions, their history, and their implications; she offers a sampling of the two episodes that explored the etymology of colors (taupe, merlot, buff, etc.) Patrick-Goudreau briefly addresses the seven books she’s written, saying—when pressed—that the ones that seem to have had the most profound impact are “The Joy of Vegan Baking” and “The 30-Day Vegan Challenge.” (,   ALSO: I spoke briefly with Gracie Grieshop of Pet Pal Animal Shelter in St. Petersburg about their 15th Annual Puppy Love Benefit, taking place May 13 at the Historic Coliseum. (       COMEDY CORNER: Julio Torres’ “I Am Vegan” ( MUSIC: Rebekah Pulley’s “Talking Animals Theme,” instrumentals NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: Ronny Elliott’s version of “See You Later, Alligator” AUDIO ARCHIVE: Listen Online Now: | Open Player in New Window