Sound on Sight Radio #332: 'Lawless' / TIFF 2012 Preview

Sound On Sight / Sordid Cinema show

Summary: Director John Hillcoat reteams with writer and musician Nick Cave for their third collaboration, the Prohibition-era quasi-historical actioner Lawless, with Tom Hardy, Shia Laboeuf, Jason Clarke, Gardy Oldman, and a particularly cartoonish Guy Pearce; Simon Howell is joined by regular co-host Julian Carrington and special guest Josh Spiegel of Mousterpiece Cinema to see if the movie measures up to their last team effort, the grim Aussie western The Proposition. After that, Josh is swapped out for SOS contributor Ty Landis, who joins Simon and Julian for an in-depth preview of this year's Toronto International Film Festival, including some discussion of anticipated flicks as well as some highlights of films we've caught an early look at.