Greece has been in decline since 200BC, Building Wealth, Investing, Retirement, Stock Trading, Freedom, Liberty, Applying History

WEALTHSTEADING Podcast investing retirement money stock market & wealth show

Summary: Episode 86:  As previously mentioned, currently I like some European stocks- those favored by the strong US dollar and weak oil prices.  Many people are worried about Greece defaulting.  I believe that troubles in Greece could cause some additional market volatility.  But the drama has dragged on too long (US interest rates are back up, gold has stabilized).  The ECB has made a decisive move with QE in excess of $1 billion…about 10 times Greece’s entire GDP.<br> Europe is an unstable place, the origin of two world wars in the past century.  It will continue to have its problems, but Greece is a minor one.  Greece’s GDP has already declined 30% in the past 6 years.  Greece’s GDP is less than Louisiana.  In terms of economic significance, Greece is to Europe what Mississippi is to the US.<br> In 1941 Greece surrendered to Germany in about 30 days.  What do you think will happen this time?<br> Subscribe to the Wealthsteading Podcast:<br> via iTunes:  <a href=""></a><br> via STITCHER:   <a href=";refid=stpr">;refid=stpr</a><br> Hosted by John Pugliano. The Wealthsteading Podcast teaches 10 wealth building principles to help investors build wealth and attain personal freedom.<br> For more information visit us at: or<br> Copyright © 2015 Investable Wealth, LLC. All rights reserved. This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation, offering advice or recommendation of any security. This podcast does not intend to provide investment, tax or legal advice. The content is strictly the observations and opinions of Investable Wealth, LLC. The information in this podcast is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. Investable Wealth, LLC is an investment advisory firm licensed in the State of Utah.<br>