Episode 2: Jerome Sevilla & Sarah Higgins – Design, Thrifting, Sashiko and Recycling Yarn

Making show

Summary: I’m very excited to share the second episode of the Woolful podcast. Today we get to meet two amazing fiber enthusiasts, <a href="http://gridjunky.blogspot.com" target="_blank">Jerome Sevilla of Grid Junky</a> and <a href="http://sarahinpursuit.com" target="_blank">Sarah Higgins of Sarah In Pursuit</a>.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/logo.png"></a><br> Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by <a href="http://toltyarnandwool.com" target="_blank">Tolt Yarn and Wool</a>, my favorite yarn shop. In 2013, Anna Dianich opened Tolt Yarn and Wool. a local yarn shop in Carnation Washington. Most recently she launched an online shop, full of yarns each with their own story and each handpicked by Anna. You couldn’t ask for more soul when it comes to a yarn shop. Visit <a href="http://toltyarnandwool.com" target="_blank">toltyarnandwool.com</a><br> <a href="http://toltyarnandwool.com"></a><br> Fiber folk 1: Sarah is a designer, photographer, and blogger based on the Central Coast of California. You can find her at <a href="http://sarahinpursuit.com" target="_blank">sarahinpursuit.com</a> and on Instagram <a href="http://instagram.com/sarah_inpursuit" target="_blank">@sarah_inpursuit</a>. It was a lot of fun to talk with Sarah about how her journey in fiber was born as a child through her Waldorf education and how it’s transpired over the years and evolved into a new adventure with <a href="http://monarchknitting.com" target="_blank">Monarch Knitting.</a><br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/sarahinpursuit.jpg"></a><br> Man on the street: For this week’s “Man on the Street” I asked a couple fiber enthusiasts to answer the following question, “What is your favorite vintage or thrifted, fiber related find and what made it so special?” We had some great replies from Melissa (<a href="http://instagram.com/hey_lady_hey" target="_blank">@hey_lady_hey</a>) and Barb (<a href="http://instagram.com/stixandstring" target="_blank">@stixandstring</a>)<br> Fiber folk 2: When it comes to recycling I’m not sure I’ve met a more intriguing ambassador than our second guest, <a href="http://gridjunky.blogspot.com" target="_blank">Jerome Sevilla</a>. Several years back he began sourcing all of the yarn he knits and designs with from knitted garments he thrifts or finds, and he’s become quite passionate about sharing his experience. Jerome is a true master and craftsman, with a deep obligation to ensure the best possible work. You can find him at <a href="http://gridjunky.blogspot.com" target="_blank">gridjunky.blogspot.com</a> and on Instagram <a href="http://instagram.com/gridjunky" target="_blank">@gridjunky</a>.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/gridjunky.jpg"></a><br> Giveaway: The winner of last week’s giveaway, is <a href="http://instagram.com/missmardi" target="_blank">MissMardi.</a> You’ve won two skeins of Canopy in Fingering! Congratulations!<br> Our giveaway this week is sponsored by <a href="http://monarchknitting.com" target="_blank">Monarch Knitting</a>, a local yarn shop based in Pacific Grove, California.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/monarchknitting.jpg"></a><br> One of the favorite yarns of our first guest Sarah, is <a href="http://woolfolkyarn.com" target="_blank">Woolfolk Far</a>, so we’re giving away two skeins plus <a href="http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/knop" target="_blank">Knop, the Fisherman’s Rib Hat Pattern</a>. To enter this giveaway, visit the giveaway post on Instagram <a href="http://instagram.com/woolful" target="_blank">@woolful</a> and tag a friend in the comments. You can also enter by leaving a comment below.<br> Music by Jónsi.<br> Transcription of episode:<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Woolful-podcast-episode-2-transcription.pdf" target="_blank">Download transcription </a><br>