Episode 4: Matt Gilbert & Melody Hoffman – Nomadic knitting, self-sustainability, shearing and building a fiber mill

Making show

Summary: I’m very excited to share the fourth episode of the Woolful podcast. Today we get to meet two fiber folk that have inspired many of us in many different ways. Matt Gilbert a shearer and founder of the Mendocino Wool and Fiber Mill and Melody Hoffman of Mandarine’s.<br> <a href="http://yarn-fun.com"></a><br> Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by <a href="http://yarn-fun.com">Yarn</a>, a charming online and local yarn shop based in Eureka, California. Yarn was created by Sunni Schrivner who has a dedication for natural fibers and supporting local yarns. Make sure to visit Yarn in person when on the coast in hum bolt county and online at <a href="http://yarn-fun.com">yarn-fun.com</a>.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/yarn.jpg"></a><br> Fiber folk 1: Melody is a passionate knitter and maker, with new aspirations as a knitwear designer. Originally from France, she now lives is Latvia where she focuses her days on knitting and self-sustainability. You can follow her journey on her blog at <a href="http://www.bmandarines.squarespace.com/blog/">bmandarines.squarespace.com</a> and on Instagram <a href="http://instagram.com/bmandarines/">@bmandarines</a>.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/melody.jpg"></a><br> Man on the Street: For this week’s “Man on the Street” I asked a handful of fiber enthusiasts to answer the following question, “If you could raise a flock of sheep in the breed of your choice, which it be?” We had many amazing replies from <a href="http://instagram.com/hey_lady_hey">Melissa (@hey_lady_hey)</a>, <a href="http://instagram.com/jaykay_knits/">Jennifer (@jaykay_knits)</a>, <a href="http://instagram.com/dreareneeknits">Andrea (@dreareneeknits)</a>, <a href="http://hollertree.tumblr.com/">Madeline (hollertree.tumblr.com)</a>, <a href="http://instagram.com/woolenviolet">Nikki (@woolenviolet)</a> and <a href="http://instagram.com/atreebytheriver">Sonja (@atreebytheriver)</a><br> Fiber folk 2: When it comes to gumption, tenacity and spirit, I’m not sure many come close to having as much as our next guest, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/MendoWool">Matt Gilbert</a>. For over a decade Matt has been a shearer in Northern California, witnessing parts of the area that very few ever see, while gathering a lifetimes worth of wooly knowledge. A couple years ago he began building the Mendocino Wool and Fiber Mill of which he hopes to launch very soon. You can find and follow Matt’s journey on Facebook at <a href="https://www.facebook.com/MendoWool" target="_blank">Facebook.com/mendowool</a>.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/matt1.jpg"></a><br> Giveaway: The winner of last week’s giveaway, is….<a href="http://www.ravelry.com/people/grandknit" target="_blank">Charlene, grandknit on Ravelry</a>. You’ve won 3 skeins of <a href="http://www.toltyarnandwool.com/products/snoqualmie-valley-yarn" target="_blank">Snoqualmie Valley Yarn</a>, naturally dyed with black walnut. Congratulations!<br> The giveaway this week is another special one, our first guest Melody’s <a href="http://www.ravelry.com/projects/mandarines/pinecone--mulberry" target="_blank">Pinecone and Mulberry hat pattern</a> along with two skeins of <a href="http://quinceandco.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&amp;cPath=1&amp;products_id=372" target="_blank">Quince and Company’s Owl Tweet</a>. To enter this giveaway, visit the giveaway post on <a href="http://instagram.com/woolful" target="_blank">Instagram @woolful</a> and tag a friend in the comments. You can also enter by leaving a comment below.<br> <a href="http://woolful.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/quincemulberry.jpg"></a><br> Awhile back I had an idea, to help bring the focus back to smaller producers, those concentrating their efforts on building domestic production (to whichever country they belong) and trying to do so consciously in regards to the environment, animal welfare, economy, and more.